Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How Does the Garden Grow?

Today a gallery of flower and veggie photos from my walk in the garden this morning. The original starts for this day lily came from a treasured weaving friend and mentor who has passed away, but lives on in the beauty of these blossoms.

This blossom is from the prolific Eight Ball Zucchini. Only three hills, and yet we're handing the squash out like silver dollars to anyone we meet!

Indy Gold Wax Beans - We may have to start sneaking these into friends' pockets and purses soon too.

Aunt Ginny's Purple, an heirloom tomato. This is the first year I've grown this variety. It's late bearing, so no ripe ones yet.

Cucumbers! This is a pickling type called Cross Country. I picked a bunch this morning.

Coneflowers, of course. They multiply like mad. The originals also came from gardener weaver friend Helen.

Rudbeckia - Even on a cloudy day they create their own sunny corner in the flower bed.

I only had time to pick some cukes, dill, and a few other veggies before the skeeters drove me into the house. I think there may be dill pickles in my future!

Sorry for some of blurry images and wonky arrangement of the photos and type. I haven't completely gotten the hang of this blog formatting yet.


  1. You have a lovely garden! We're just starting, but I hope next year we manage considerably more than we did this year. So far we just have tomatoes and peppers with a healthy herb container garden.

  2. Lovely pictures, as usual!
    I'm no expert, but I can tell you how to do the text so it lines up alongside your pics.
    E-mail me if you're interested.
